Mittwoch, 28. Februar 2007

Verliert "Death & Co" seine Alkohol Linzenz?

Gestern erhielt ich eine Email von Donbert:

"Death and Co's liquor license is under
review and may be revoked this summer. There is a community board
meeting about it tonight to discuss the matter. I'll be attending it
to speak on their behalf and will let you know the outcome."

Ich las über diesem Nachbarschaftstreit vor einigen Tagen einen Artikel im NY Grub Street.
Nachbarn hatten sich beschwert, eigentlich nur einer, dieser aber immer wieder, auf allen Ebenen:

Neben Lärm konnte dieser Nachbar der Stadt NY glaubhaft machen, das die älteren Nachbarn der Bar
Angst hatten. Der Namen und das Äußere des Lokals (keine Fenster - Zederholzverkleidung erinnert diese Nachbarn laut des Artikel an "Aussschwitz Züge") lassen die älteren Nachbarn einen Treffpunkt von faschistischen "Nazis" vermuten.

Dave Kaplan:

"To those who don't know; we have been on the unfriendly end of some
community board trouble. The absurdity has gone so far as to compare
our facade to a haloucust railcar, our flag to nazi fascism, call our
clientelle rowdy drunks, and our music (once refferred to as fucking
techno) is so loud the building shakes. Most of this has come from
one neighbor, the front man for a bar band no less, making so many
false complaints that the police no longer respond and the department
of building so longer take his calls.

We must appear before the full board and state our case. We are
recommended for a decline at this point based on the idea we are not
operating as a small plates/tapas restaurant (this is only supported
by the reviews of Death & Co focusing on our cocktails and not our
food, despite showing the board hard evidence and real numbers of
food sales). Any support in our favor speaks worlds to the community
- especially given that the only few against us have never stepped
foot through our doors."

Heute hat das Gremium sich Gegen das "Death & Co" entschieden und
damit sieht es schlecht aus für gute Drinks in New York.


Quick update. Death & Co didn't get the community board approval so
now it goes to the state liquor authority.

After sitting through a mind numbing 4 hours of nonsense I can say
that it was a completely biased vote. Most of the board did not come
to listen to anyone's specific situation and was there to close any
and all bars.

John Deragon (NY) heute in eGullet:

"So after a very long and tedious CB meeting in which 5 people for the renewal of Death and Company and 5 people against the renewal the board voted by close to a 2-1 margin in favor not to support the renewal of the liquor license for D&C.

What this means is that they will not have the support of the CB3 board in their renewal efforts. How much this will impact the final result is to be determined. The opponents of D&C presented some facts that were suspicious, mainly the reports of tremendous bass from the music, people congregating outside at all hours of the morning, people vomiting on the street, etc.

While the have overcome the issue of the distance of them from the synagogue by having to letters from architects stating the distance is 202.6 feet, a representative of the synagogue presented his case that he paced off 133 feet which seemed to have more impact unfortunately with the board then the letters of the licensed architects.

The next step will likely involve lawyers and letters and all sorts of hurdles to overcome. I am not sure what this means for the short term health of their business as their license is expiring very soon. If they can continue to operate in the interim while the renewal is pending is an open question.

I will try to get some more details from the owners tomorrow and report back."

Diskussion über die Bar und das Lizenz Problem auf egullet

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